Wedding Party 2 : First Look

 As seen in the trailers the second movie has a twist to it alongside addition of new characters plus location  (Dubai) which makes the movie even more promising. The sequel stars Patience Ozokwor, Sola Sobowale,Omoni Oboli, Seyi Law, Chugurl Daniella Down, RMD, Ireti Doyle, Ali Baba, Ikechukwu the Rapper, Enyinna Nwigwe, Saka among others.

      Nonso (Enyinna Nwigwe), has continued his romance with Deirdre (Daniella Down), the bridesmaid from London. Somehow, Nonso manages to propose by accident, while on a dinner date, and sets off a chain of events too powerful to stop.

Deirdre’s upper-crust British family are against the match, as are some members of the Nigerian clan, but Deirdre’s determination can’t be contained.

After a near-disastrous introduction ceremony in Lagos and Nigerian opposition to a London wedding, both families reluctantly agree to a wedding in Dubai, setting us off on another colourful, chaotic and memorable journey to everlasting love.

The Wedding Party 2: Destination Dubai will have its Lagos premiere on December 10, with cinema release on December 15 in Nigeria.


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