Taxi Driver (Oko Ashawo) follows the story of Adigun (played by Femi Jacobs), a naive village mechanic, who visited Lagos for the first time. His decision comes following the sudden death of his father, a man he never truly knew, yet a man very popular in his village as the iconic Lagos taxi driver, Oko Ashewo.
      However, Adigun’s coming to Lagos is on the invitation of Taiwo, his father’s fellow taxi driver played by popular Yoruba actor, Odunlade Adekola.
      The movie tells the story of how Adigun copes with the multitude of odd characters he comes across. From Delia the queen prostitute, to Kakanfo (played by Hafiz Oyetoro) the unseen vigilante, the notorious assassins, three wise men, to the Godfather, Baba Mistura and many more interesting characters that ply their trade in Lagos at night.
It’s a thrilling story of murder, betrayal, crime and love, relaxed with some comic relief


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