Disney Captain America Theme Park

      Someday you may be able to experience for yourself what every comic book fan dreams of — hurling a Vibranium shield right into the face of Red Skull. Presently, such a moment of catharsis is only available to the fictional hero Captain America, but a new patent application from Disney for a theme park attraction might change all that.
News of the patent comes courtesy of Digital Trends and shows plans for an elaborate mechanism that would allow park guests to hurl a shield just like Captain America. According to the patent, a physical rail would be attached to a parkgoer’s arm along with a replica Captain America shield. When the park guest motions to throw the shield, the shield would slide down the rail and a motion sensor within would track the object’s intended path, projecting its flight in a virtual reality simulation.
        “In one embodiment, the throwing apparatus is a toy device that permits the user to play the role of a superhero who uses the projectile to attack virtual or physical targets (e.g., toys) or defend against attacks from the targets or other players in an immersive storytelling environment,” the patent application reads.

Called from : CBR 


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